LEICAIMAGES recent comments

100244View photo
Photo - 100244
Photo by JT
🕐 06-03-24 02:17shtarka1 wrote:
Love the Vibe , IQ & Shot JT!!!
356755View photo
Photo by dalth500
🕐 04-19-24 08:52JT wrote:
Excellent capture. Iooks like the service was not keeping her interested.
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100242View photo
Photo by itus49
🕐 04-15-24 12:39JT wrote:
Love that πŸ‘•
100233View photo
Photo 100233
Photo by shtarka1
🕐 04-05-24 03:39shtarka1 wrote:
Thanks BrothaπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
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100229View photo
Photo - 100229
Photo by nikkor105
🕐 03-25-24 14:12JT wrote:
awesome shot! caught by surprise.
100226View photo
Photo - 100226
Photo by laowai
🕐 03-07-24 21:39JT wrote:
The apo sonnar is an incredible lens. I had that lens for a while and absolutely loved it!

Embeded Photo
21255View photo
Photo by pphuang
🕐 02-25-24 17:44JT wrote:
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312918View photo
Photo by jalle
🕐 02-25-24 14:36JT wrote:
Awesome πŸ‘Œ

Great DOF, processing and light.
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100222View photo
Katerini 2008
Photo by markman8
🕐 02-23-24 07:16JT wrote:
Like the in the moment feel of this.
100219View photo
Photo by gmanp
🕐 02-19-24 16:44gmanp wrote:
Thank you! The light was just right 😊
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