LEICAIMAGES recent comments

23497View photo
Photo 23497
Photo by tbarker13
🕐 06-12-11 07:16marcobia wrote:
beautiful model and glamour mood - ciao - marco
316698View photo
Rome 1986
Photo by loik
🕐 06-12-11 06:32bas wrote:
Intriguing capture.
316713View photo
Lounging around with my mates:::London
🕐 06-12-11 06:30bas wrote:
Great picture with cool scene!
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316714View photo
Photo 316714
🕐 06-12-11 04:59chriseeo wrote:
Impressive. Light sources captured in a typical Leica-way.
22513View photo
Photo 22513
Photo by jcr33
🕐 06-11-11 21:12jcr33 wrote:
Hi Marco,

Thanks for your kind words. I am glad that you see the humorous side of the photo.

Sadly, a few are too serious here!

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23500View photo
Photo 23500
Photo by jcr33
🕐 06-11-11 21:09jcr33 wrote:
Do you own the site here? If you do, I will remove all my photos and never come back again. If you don't, you better start your own and set your rules there!

I also did not know this is a site only for non amateurs. I am happy to admit that I am an amateur who is keen to share everything about photography, snapshots of travel, food and family. What do you intend to share here, may I ask? Policing the world?

Anyway, don't bother to reply or comment as I won't. Please don't look at my photos as I won't look at yours. Keep your comments to yourself and let's keep it that way!

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316697View photo
Rome 1988
Photo by loik
🕐 06-11-11 17:27periskop wrote:
an original submission...
316696View photo
Rome 2000
Photo by loik
🕐 06-11-11 17:22periskop wrote:
I like it!
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316703View photo
Photo by doug
🕐 06-11-11 14:11chriseeo wrote:
A most successful composition. The eye follows the road up to the mountains, amidst casting of shadows, and nice color.
316688View photo
Photo 316688
Photo by hobb3
🕐 06-11-11 10:39jean-ber52 wrote:
Magnifique N&B ? un peu trop forcer sur le contraste à mon gout, mais superbe composition Bravo Hobb3
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